How Unconscious Bias Against Dark Skin Color Creates 70% Unemployment

A very well kept secret within the Bega Valley is the shockingly disproportionate unemployment rate among Original peoples.

But it's not that much of a secret if one takes the time to observe their own community. It's very evident that there are no Original people's present within the local businesses, supermarkets, local government, media and state and federal government departments. There's the odd worker here and there as our statistics will indicate.

There's evidence that conscious and unconscious bias is at play in bringing about these disastrous figures.

The following statistics were attained from local community knowledge. An intimate and specific knowledge of our community. Some of our Djiringanj community have research and analytical training, and experience. These skills and expertise were brought to the forefront to expose the high unemployment rate within our community, and these statistics give further insight into the potential for more sinister, and diabolical, practices.

The need for this research was due to the lack of information on Original unemployment within the Bega Valley, specfically the Bega, Tathra and Merimbula townships. There are no specific unemployment statistics via Bega Valley Shire Council or the Bureau of Statistics regarding specific unemployment among Original people in the Bega, Tathra, Merumbula area. So we had to initiate the research and gather the data ourselves. What we found was not that surprising because it reconciled with our own observations, experiences and assumptions.

Please keep in mind that the national unemployment rate is approximately 5.7% according to the Bureau of Statistics.

So here's the outcome of our research study:

Our research found a 74% unemployment rate among Djiringanj descendants. Traditional owners living in the valley from neighboring clans were also included within this statistic.

A 33% unemployment rate was found within our non traditional Original community. These are Original people that have no heritage connection to the lower south coast area.

A 60% unemployment rate was found within the general Original community.

We found that females had the highest unemployment within the general Original community at 55%.

We found this a very controversial statistic but also a very insightful one. Our own family members were included within this analysis.

Nearly all Original peoples with fair skin complexion were found to have some form of employment.

This insight doesn't aim to take away these peoples achievements and ability to find and retain work. But it does raise questions of conscious and unconscious bias based upon racism and discrimination due to skin color...which is a real factor when it comes to influence within Australian society.

This is what local authorities, politicians and media will not talk about. Bega District News (see article by clicking here) did attempt to bring this to the attention of the local public, but it went unnoticed, which is a very bad sign.

Here's a video on how unconscious bias works.

Merunga Blog Admin
12/09/2017 ©


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