The Ngarigo, Djiringanj and the Brumby

(Brumbies in the Australian Alps: photo courtesy of Paul McIver paulmciver flickr)

The Men from Snowy River
'The words been passed around about the Men from Snowy River,  Their story wasn't forgotten and not allowed to wither,   For a wise and strong Bugeenj woman who listened to her Elders, Nurtured the seed of future story tellers'
The connection between my family (Hoskin and Mundy) and the Brumby (Australian Wild Horse) isn't that well known. 

My great great grandfather Jack Hoskins (born 1853- died 1900 Bega NSW), and great gran uncles via my Mundy family ancestry, were stockmen who drove Brumbies from the Australian Alps down to Tathra to be transported upon steamer ships bound for Sydney that departed from Tathra wharf.

(Me and Mum circa 1982 - Bega NSW)

This is a local story told to me by my mother Margaret Rose Dixon (nee Mundy/ Hoskins).

Whenever we would pass through Kalaru, on our way to Tathra, Mum would always point over to the Blackfellows lake area and tell about our family ancestry and the Brumby connection. I remember mum's story well. 

Back in the 70's and 80's the road to Blackfellows Lake displayed a large cut out sign of a tribal man with a spear pointing the way to the lake. You couldn't miss the turnoff, the sign was very prominent.

Blackfellows Lake is where one of the first "Aboriginal reserves" in NSW was established. This Aboriginal reserve was established in the 1880's, nearly twenty years prior to Australian federation (1901). 

Aboriginal reserves: Aboriginal reserves were parcels of land set aside for Aboriginal people to live on; these were not managed by the government or its officials. From 1883 onwards, the Aboriginal people who were living on unmanaged reserves received rations and blankets from the Aborigines Protection Board (APB), but remained responsible for their own housing.
Some of the first reserves created by the Board were at Bega (1883)
(History of Aboriginal stations and reserves - NSW DECC)

The Hoskin and Mundy family lived at this reserve. My great great grandfather Jack is listed as being at the Blackfellows Lake reserve within the NSW State Archive records. Although the reserve is quoted as being at Bega, the old Aboriginal reserve was specifically located at Blackfellows Lake Kalaru NSW, which is approximately 12km south east of Bega.

Mum always told of how our family drove the Brumbies down from the Ngarigo to the Djiringanj. A story handed down to her from her Elders. This history was something Mum was quite proud ofand obviously retold this story so the young people could retain this knowledge and hand it down to future generations. 

Our family used the old ancestral pathways to drive the Brumbies, and they knew these pathways well. Ancestral pathways via Postmans Track west of Candelo, or via Tantawangalo, were viable routes. These ancestral routes were also used by colonists, once they realised their existence, for driving stock and also constructing roads because these pathways navigated the easiest grades through the dividing range.

When mum told me this story it made me think of our old people and how they would have used their knowledge of the land and animals to capture the Brumby. Trapping wild horse in the Alps wouldn't have been an easy task. There's a lot of country in the Snowy Mountains. Like our ancestors, the Brumby grew it's own knowledge and connection with the land for its survival, so ancestral knowledge and skills of land and nature would have been key to their capture. 

The Mundy side of my ancestry also lived at Delegate Aboriginal reserve (gazetted 1892 - 1957) on the Monaro, and also at Wollondibby within the Koskiosko National Park. The Mundy's are Ngarigo people. Living at Wollondibby close to the Alps would have been central to capturing the Brumby from the wild before the long and arduous journey driving the horses to the coast. 

Jack Hoskins and his family lived upon the Aboriginal Reserve at Blackfellows Lake/Lagoon (then called Cohens Lake). There were two reserves at Blackfellows Lake. The first Aboriginal reserve was gazetted in 1883 (R895 - 112 acres) before being revoked. The second reserve (R17616 - 55 acres) at Blackfellows Lake was gazetted in 1893 with our family recorded on the reserve up to 1925. This second reserve, which encompassed part of the first reserve was created for Jack Hoskins and his family. Aboriginal Protection Board records make reference to the local Bega police constable recommending land acquisitions up to 40 acres each for Aboriginal families on the Bega River.

The Aboriginal reserve at Blackfellows Lake is where the Brumbies were rested and tamed. They were then taken to the old steamers at Tathra wharf. Agricultural works, for their own food and produce for external markets, was also carried out on the reserve.  Our family also had interests in the fishing industry within the Bega River, and off the coast of Tathra. This was my family living between two cultures...adapting...surviving....trying to provide for kin via shared contribution.

Some of the horses would have made their way onto farms, but it's also possible that some made it to the front lines of the Second Boer War 1899-1902 in South Africa, as the timelines coincide. And Brumbies were used within this war. This is where the legendary Australian Light Horse first seen military action. 

But equally as important our old people were animal lovers. They would have had great respect for these powerful horse spirits. Our people have always been accepting of visitors to our lands and quite capable of adapting to change so that our visitors can also belong, and have their place. Learning their ways and gaining true understanding. A caring and sharing culture. The ultimate communicators. 

(Brumbies in the Australian Alps: photo courtesy of Paul McIver paulmciver flickr)

This was a Ngarigo and Djiringanj venture that promoted, and enacted, self determination. Answers to why this reserve was closed (closing date unclear at time of publication) can probably be found within the same 'undermining' tactics used at Coranderrk Aboriginal Reserve in Victoria (1863-1924). The Blackfellows Lake area is prime real estate today within the Bega Valley Shire. It's sad to think that our family had access to land and agency within "settler" society back then at Blackfellows Lake but fast forward a couple of generations later and our people are found struggling to survive at Bega's waste facility as "fringe dwellers."

Original people having "success" within Australian society, especially self determination via business/ commerce, isn't one of great renown. The glaring absence of this type of stature, within Australian history, regarding Original peoples isn't due to the lack of effort, or commitment to innovation on the part of our people, when afforded equal opportunity as apposed to rhetoric and the fake perception of equality. It's pretty much expected these days when dealing with government and the Crown...that continue to impose a paternalistic and prescriptive mindset and attitude. Opportunity is given but then it's undermined if we show any signs of actually becoming self sufficient. Never allowing our people to live peacefully upon our own ancestral lands has been an observed pattern. 

One only need to look at early statements recorded within early Hansard transcripts, parliamentary library and media publications to find discriminatory and racist diatribe aimed at Original peoples, and 'cultural other',  that spotlights prominent Australian government officials pronouncing Australia to be for the "white man" only. Unfortunately, this discriminatory legacy of economic and social exclusion based upon race is still very much alive and well within Australian society today. 

First Nations people have a long history as contributors to the building of the Australian nation. Locally our people have contributed within the livestock, fishing, agricultural, dairy and timber industries. However this important history continues to remain unacknowledged at a local community level due to indifference and ignorance. Only for our Elders retaining, and sharing knowledge of our history, valuable insights into our past would have been forgotten and/or lost forever. 

It should also be noted that in circa 2001 the resident NPWS archaeologist proposed a search of the old Blackfellows lake Aboriginal reserve using ground penetrating radar. The purpose of the search was to locate the burials of Jack Hoskins and other members of my family. This was also confirmed via a face to face conversation that I had with the archaeologist about the proposed search at the time. I don't think the search eventuated due to development and ground disturbance. So it's not certain where the final resting place of Jack is located, only that he passed away within the Bega area in 1900, but the old reserve as the place that Jack and other members of my family are buried is a reasonable assumption. The area in question was named Cohens Lake but was later changed to Blackfellows Lake.

Stories that bring to light our peoples contributions to local industry, community building and our shared humanity break through the racist stereotypes and narratives that are constructed upon false foundation. The first people's played a significant role in helping to build our community to what it is today...economically, socially, intellectually, culturally and spiritually.

The strength of spirit of our people is something to be honored, admired and payed tribute. Contributing within local industry in order to gain economic agency to survive, and just some basic respect, must have been a massive challenge considering the barriers of racist attitudes and actions our people had to navigate and ultimately endure. 

Our collective journey is one that requires us to acknowledge OUR collective past and strive to right the wrongs and realise justice is possible. This is a shared history, not a segregated depends on how you view it I suppose. It's a shared history, the good along with the bad. Our family story about our interwoven history with the Brumby, as told by our Elders, is one that reminds us that reconnecting with our past can be a powerful connector to conversation, ideas and possibilities that can unify rather than divide. Which is, within itself, a giant leap toward justice and healing for everyone.

Hopefully this small but significant story can be a platform to build upon as we access more information so our full story can be told. 

I'd like to pay tribute to my mother Margaret Rose Dixon (nee Mundy/ Hoskins) for sharing her story with me. I'd also like to acknowledge Paul McIver for allowing me to share his wonderful pictures of the Brumby.

My name is David Dixon and I'm a proud Ngarigo and Djiringanj mawa (male), and this is my retelling of my Elders story of the Ngarigo, Djiringanj and the Brumby....The Men from Snowy River.

Contributed by: 
David Dixon
Djiringanj/ Ngarigo 
August 2017



  1. I simply say thank you for telling this story, a powerful story and a privilege to read.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thankyou so much for sharing your family and Australian history with us, I loved it and was intrigued right from the beginning 👍🏼

  4. Such a wonderful story to read. It grabbed my attention right from the beginning and kept it all the way through. You must remain proud of your heritage and keep your head high.

  5. Absolutely great history here. I myself grew up in Bega and remember the Dixon and Mundy family and there way of acceptance to the white fellow was always welcoming. I will always remember them as a loving family and appreciate that we are one. I always remember calling the elders by aunty or uncle.

  6. I am very glad to read and know about this and your ideas, you are such a honourable person.You've exceeded my high standards and expectations with your excellent writing skills.
    So, there is one more thing by which you can increase your knowledge, which is goid.


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